Tuesday, September 11, 2012

St. Augustine concerns

In regards to St. Augustine on Golf Course

There has been several changes over the last five years in chemistry and law and regulation regarding herbicides and herbicide applications.  The product that was used in the past (MSMA), has been regulated by the EPA.  This chemical is no longer labeled for broadcast application, which has impacted the golf industry and Sod farms.

MSMA is a selective herbicide used to eliminate grassy weeds such as bahiagrass and St. Augustine which is established in bermudagrass.   Since the herbicide has been regulated, the big three chemical companies have been working on a new formulation to replace the use of MSMA. However, these new products have not been perfected.

We take great pride in producing a weed free environment for our members and guest.  We will look into the newer chemistry's and set up some test plots.  However, a majority of the St. Augustine found on the golf course is next to residential areas where irrigation is limited.  Spraying these area with no irrigation would leave bare areas for a extended period of time.  We would much rather have some type of ground cover then bare dirt. Areas with irrigation should not be a problem.

Justin Lonon
April Sound Country Club
Golf Course Superintendent